Parliament, 15  January 2016 - The office of the Speaker of the National Assembly welcomes the announcement of the 2016 Local Government Municipal Elections by the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC).

As one of our Chapter 9 institutions, we fully support the call by the IEC to all political parties to ensure these 2016 Local Government Elections are a success.

Parliament is mandated to assist and protect all the independent Institutions Supporting Democracy (ISD) through legislative and other measures, to ensure their independence, impartiality, dignity and effectiveness. 

The 5th Parliament adopted public education as one of its key strategic objectives and we are pleased to join the IEC's concerted effort to raise awareness on the importance of voting, particularly amongst new potential voters.

"It's crucial for the youth to register and participate in the local government elections. Our more experienced voters must ensure they partake in the upcoming elections, this, to ensure they reinforce the principle of being active citizens, thereby making an even bigger point of our democratic right to elect our leaders," says Tsenoli.

As a critical institution in our fabric of democracy, the IEC's reputation and integrity is paramount and must be protected at all times by all role players.

As the National Assembly, we will continue to perform our oversight role in this institution's activities and performance of its functions as guided by our Constitution.

For media interview requests with the Deputy Speaker, contact:

Mandlakazi Sigcawu
Communication Manager & Spokesperson
Tel no: 060 995 8274