The National Assembly House Chairperson for International Relations, Mr Madala Ntombela, says the adoption of a progress declaration at the International Migration Review Forum conference in New York is a noble achievement that will inspire future progress in this area.

Over 190 countries, including South Africa, represented by Cabinet members, leaders of parliaments and many other organisations gave country progress reports on achievements and challenges, and also shared best practices on the execution of the Global Compact on Migration that was adopted in 2018.

Mr Ntombela described the conference as encouraging collective efforts to address challenges facing over 280 million migrants worldwide, some of whom are subjected to human trafficking and other abuses, with thousands losing their lives and livelihoods in their efforts to flee terrible situations in their own countries.

Mr Ntombela said the world must solve its migration problems collaboratively with nations of origin, with both transit and receiving nations all taking responsibility for addressing adverse conditions including poverty and conflicts, which lead to human rights abuses.

 He described migration as an inherently human characteristic that is as old as humanity itself.  Parliament’s participation in these global efforts to build a better world for migrants will enhance its execution of the oversight and public participation mandate. He pledged that Parliament will engage the people of South Africa to help build a national movement towards safer, orderly regular migration management.

The conference concluded on 20 May with over 158 pledges of funds, policy and strategy changes, ending of practices of detaining migrant children and clear efforts to deal with climate changes and their aftermath that affect migrants more.

The South African delegation included the Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, Mr Njabulo Nzuza, who led the delegation and presented the country’s progress report, as well as the Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York, Ambassador Mathu Joyini.

Mr Ntombela said the parliamentary delegation will submit a report with recommendations and decisions taken on the South African Parliament’s course of action.

Manelisi Wolela
25 May 2022